Yes, You Got Accepted. Now Here's What You Actually Need to Know. Trust me, it's not gonna be boring, otherwise chai/coffee on me ;)

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After Coming to UT Austin


This journey goes on, my friend, and I've been through it too.

To make things easier for you (that's what UX designers do!), I've created three different pages that will guide you through the exciting adventure of coming to UT Austin. These pages will cover your journey:

So without further a do… let's begin

You don't have to read everything, but if you're one of those wondering if you made the right choice, what kind of people are there, or how you'll survive without your family, then here's my story. Feel free to share yours too!

My Story…

I hope the story gave you a lot of boosts and now you're not doubting your decision. If you still are, you haven't read the story, I caught you.